A new web-site to check out ishttp://radarag.weebly.com/ !!!! This site is also like mine! It is just for girls! Also if you are a  HUGE  cat lover then she has some awesome cat pages! If you have any suggestions on how to make her site a little bit better then go to her blog and write to her! Im sure, just like me, she would love to say what you have to say about her site! Well go and check out this awesome site!


Rachael and victoria are best friends. They made a web-site called http://www.wannacheer.weebly.com !!!! If you ever want information and anything to do with cheerleading then you have to go to this site!!!! Check it out and tell all of your friends!!


This awesome site is called http://raych.weebly.com/ !!! If u ever want a fun web-site that is all about girls and stuff we like to do then go to this site! Send a comment on how u think it is!!!