
You've got high hopes for a few work projects on the 1st and 2nd, and with good reason. You've been developing some super innovative cash-saving techniques, and you're finally ready to unleash them on the world (or at least, tell your boss what you've been up to). Don't be at all surprised if your boss likes your ideas even better than you do! On the 3rd, you're in the mood for power and prestige. Take the glass elevator at the fanciest hotel in town up and down a couple of times. It'll make you feel good -- and it's free! You have exceptionally high energy on the 8th, 9th and 10th. What part of your life are you going to kick into high gear? Don't let worry get you down on the 15th and 16th. During tough times, everyone is struggling. Do your best, and be sure to take good care of your health. Some real time wasters could glom onto you on the 20th and 21st. Shake them off at the first opportunity! You don't need any more obstacles than you've got already, right now. The more grounded you are, the more you'll get done on the 26th. Introspection will really pay off on the 30th.