
Out with the old! In with the new! That's your rallying cry on the 1st and 2nd, and, in fact, all month long. Old hang-ups? Out! New self-confidence? In! Lousy emotional patterns? Out! New health routine? In! Unfulfilling love? Out! New way of approaching relationships? In! Now's the time to really get serious about autumn cleaning, when it comes to the way you live your life. So take a deep breath, stretch and get started! On the 5th, a nasty character thinks they can pull a fast one on you. They're wrong. Show them. By the 10th, your powerful friends will be pulling some strings for you. Fantastic! Don't forget, though: These are the ties that bind. So keep an eye out for ways you can help them in return. On the 15th, you could be feeling a little dazed and confused. That's a sign that you need to step back and look after your own needs for awhile. Pamper yourself. And don't forget to exercise. On the 20th, you need to keep on putting 'you' first. After all, all this out with the old and in with the new is great, but it's also exhausting. There's a lot of romance in store for you on the 23rd. Think hard about a new relationship on the 28th and 29th.